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Home > english-chinese > "can write and use the abacus" in Chinese

Chinese translation for "can write and use the abacus"


Related Translations:
abacus:  n.(pl. abacuses, -ci )1.算盘。2.【建筑】(圆柱顶部的)顶板,冠板。短语和例子learn to use [work] an abacus 学打算盘。
abacuses:  曲线图淘金盘有孔板柱冠
abaci abacus:  的复数
abaci:  abacus 的复数。
abacus class:  珠算课
logical abacus:  逻辑算盘
gold abacus:  金算盘
abacus pythagoricus:  毕达哥拉斯乘算表
abacus column:  带有冠板的柱
abacus computability:  算盘可计算性
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